Earn Gems:
Gem Mines - Bunnies can earn gems by "mining," on any of the six gem mines within your burrow. There are two Sapphire gem mines, which accommodate one Bunny at a time and can be "mined," up to 500 gems at a time. There are two Emerald mines which can be mined up to 2,500 gems at a time and allow for two Bunnies at a time as well.There is one Ruby mine which mines up to 5,000 gems at a time, and one Diamond mine which can be mined up to 10,000 gems at a time. Both Ruby and Diamond mines allow three Bunnies to mine at one time.
- Goals - Along with each level are multiple "goals" and challenges many of which reward with gems upon completion
- Selling: Decoration items including floor tiles, wallpaper, and tunnel tubes can be exchanged or returned at their entire value at any time. Furniture, food, and Bunnies in your inventory can also be sold, however, for less than half the purchase price in most cases. A profit can be made from harvested crops which are sold.
Earn Stars:
Hatching Bunnies - With the first of any new Bunny species hatched comes a star reward, the amount varies with each Bunny species. (I received 50 stars for my first Albino!)
- Goals - The goals are not limited to rewarding gems, many reward in stars instead.
- Leveling up - Each time you Level up you receive three stars.
Purchase Gems:
Pile of 10,000 Gems $1.99
- Pile of 30,000 Gems $4.99
- Pile of 100,000 Gems$9.99
- Pile of 300,000 Gems $19.99
- Pile of 1,000,000 Gems $49.99
Purchase Stars:
Pile of 50 Stars $1.99
- Pile of 150 Stars $4.99
- Pile of 400 Stars $9.99
- Pile of 1000 Stars $19.99
- Pile of 2,750 Stars $49.99